The symposium was held in the newly-renovated Park Shops building at NC State University, 101 Current Drive. Please note: some interactive maps (like Google Maps) may show the address as approximate or as 101 Morrison Drive. Once on campus, look for Current Drive.
Park Shops is circled on the excerpt of the campus map below:
Parking On Campus
There are a few pay parking lots available on campus. Most convenient is the lot located on the lowest level of the Coliseum Parking Deck, just a short walk from the symposium site. The fee for parking in this lot on Friday is $2 for the first hour and $1 for each additional hour, with a maximum of $6. There is no charge for parking on any level of the parking deck on Saturday. Coliseum Deck is located at 201 Jeter Dr.
Directions to Coliseum Deck:
From either Hillsborough St. or Western Blvd. turn onto Pullen Dr. Then, turn onto Dunn Ave. The parking deck will be on your left and the pay lot entrance is along Dunn Ave. We recommend that you approach campus via Western Blvd. if possible due to extensive construction on Hillsborough St.
Directions from Coliseum Deck to Park Shops:
Exit the parking deck along Dunn Ave. At the corner of Dunn and Jensen Dr., near the Thompson Theater building, cross Dunn Ave. to the pedestrian tunnel. After exiting the tunnel you will arrive in a parking lot. Walk straight across the parking lot to Stinson Dr. Turn left, Park Shops will be on your right where the street curves left. Park Shops is located at 101 Current Dr., at the corner of Stinson and Current.
For more information about getting around on campus, including interactive campus maps and more parking information, please visit the NC State Admissions site.
Parking Off Campus
You can find free street parking a few blocks from campus, North of Hillsborough St. These are primarily residential streets and some have two hour time limits. Be on the lookout for signs indicating such limits. The farther from campus, the more open the parking will be. Please note that there is currently a large construction project taking place on Hillsborough, which may make navigating the immediate area difficult.
Directions from residential parking to Park Shops:
Head South to Hillsborough St. Cross Hillsborough at Chamberlain St. (Near GoPaks Bazaar and El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant). As you enter campus, walk to the left side of the 1911 Building, which is directly opposite Chamberlain St. This is Current Dr. Park Shops is located at 101 Current Dr., at the corner of Current and Stinson Dr.