Entrance from Current Drive |
View from Stinson Drive |
The recently renovated Park Shops building is a material, infrastructural expression of the changing mission, goals, and role of NC State University as a public, land-grant university. Constructed in 1914, the building was named in honor of Charles B. Park (1867-1944). From 1914 until 1949 the Mechanical Engineering Department taught the majority of all shop courses in this building (Woodworking, Machinery, Welding Foundry, etc.). Until 2007, residents of the building included the Department of Industrial Engineering, the Furniture Manufacturing & Management Center, Facilities Operations (including the Lock Shop and other trade shops) along with teleclassrooms and video conference rooms provided by Video Communications Services.
Renovations to both the interior (left) and exterior (right). |
From 2007 to 2009, Park Shops was closed for a complete building modernization. Today the building houses classrooms, laboratories, offices for the NCSU Division of Undergraduate Academic Programs, cutting-edge distance education classrooms, and a coffee shop.
(photos courtesy of Dr. Ed Funkhouser)
About the building's namesake
Professor Park was born in Raleigh in 1867. He attended the Raleigh Male Academy and served his apprenticeship with Allen and Cram of Raleigh. He later worked as a machinist with the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Professor Park served as professor from 1890-1934 and was instructor in the forge shop 1890-1892. From 1892 until 1934 he was superintendent of the shops in the Mechanical Engineering Department and from 1890 until 1920 he was also superintendent of the Heat, Light and Power Plant. Professor Park worked as director of the Morris Plan Bank, the Mechanics Savings Bank, the Atlantic Fire Insurance Company and the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. He was the originator of Raleigh Building and Loan Association and was one of the organizers of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company. He served as vice-president of the Melrose Knitting Mill and was vice-president of the Raleigh Times Publishing Company. Professor Park was chairman of the first City Planning Commission and was instrumental in naming many Raleigh streets. (Adapted from Park Shops history appearing on NCSU facilities website)