CHASS Lightning Rod event and The Fifth Annual Research Symposium of the Ph.D. Program in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media
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Rethinking Globalization and the Question of Scale: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences
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James Mulholland
Assistant Professor, Department of EnglishRebecca Walsh
Assistant Professor, Department of EnglishSteve Wiley
Associate Professor, Department of Communication -
CHASS Lightning Rod event and CRDM Research Symposium 2014
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Department of English, the Department of Communication, and The Fifth Annual Research Symposium of the Ph.D. Program in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) present Rethinking Globalization and the Question of Scale: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Talley Student Union, Room 4140
North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina
April 24—26, 2014
How do people, capital, goods, material infrastructures, discourse, and power aggregate at, or operate across, different levels of attachment, from personal to local to national to transnational? How do assumptions about scale shape discussion of issues such as uneven development, imperialism and neoimperalism, and resistance movements? How might critical approaches to scale as well as forms of transnational comparison allow us to rethink the limiting, received categories of the local, the national, or the international? This international symposium will assemble an interdisciplinary gathering of leading scholars, as well as Research Triangle faculty and graduate students, to consider theoretical and methodological conceptualizations of scale important for understanding globalization.
Communication scholars, cultural geographers, economists, sociologists, and historians, as well as scholars in literary studies and media studies, have taken up questions of scale in their research. This symposium will consider how the issue of scale cuts across disciplinary boundaries, and how the insights of one paradigm may illuminate the assumptions of another. The symposium will also explore possibilities for an interdisciplinary examination of scale in relation to current developments in the Humanities, including the relatively recent focus on transnational forms of comparison. Such an interdisciplinary discussion will help us rethink assumptions in transnational comparative methods (and in texts and artifacts that are themselves transnationally comparative) that might depend upon and resist scalar designations of the local, the national, and the transnational.
Registration is free. Faculty, graduate students, and the general public are welcome to participate. Some parking passes are available: please enquire. -
Featured Speakers
Paul Adams
Department of Geography and the Environment, U. Texas at AustinNeel Ahuja
Department of English and Comparative Literature, UNC-Chapel HillRey Chow
Program in Literature, Duke UniversityHsuan Hsu
Department of English, UC DavisAlan Latham
Department of Geography, University College LondonSaskia Sassen
Department of Sociology, Columbia UniversitySarah Sharma
Department of Communication Studies, UNC-Chapel HillKathleen Wilson
Department of History, SUNY Stonybrook